Today is Todd's birthday--at least it still is on the West Coast. We are so lucky to have him as part of our family. I really wanted a picture of him by himself. All I could find was a graduation picture. I guess that is who Todd really is. He is always surrounded by family and friends (not counting when he is out of town working.) Almost every picture I have of him, he is doing something for others.
Todd with little Toby and Baby Ben
1. He loves my daughter and brings out the best in her. He wants her to be happy and works hard to help her be that way.
The family grows and changes
2. He is thoroughly committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ and shows it in how he lives.
3. He is a wonderful father. He loves to be with his sons. Most of my pictures of Todd show him spending time with his boys.
At the top of the lighthouse. A long climb with a son in your arms.
A snack in Central Park
Helping Toby fly a kite.
4. He is the best kind of role model. The boys not only want to skateboard and surf like Dad, they will want to emulate him throughout their lives and he sets the example a mother-in-law can be proud of.
Skateboarding with Toby and Ben in Boston.
5. Todd is so thoughtful. If he is home, he is the one to get up when the boys wake up so Ashley can sleep in a little. He doesn't seem to mind that he only got a few hours of sleep. He loves being with them.
Not quite awake, but loved.
This was early morning in Outer Banks. Where was Ashley? Todd let her sleep.
6. He is so patient and kind. I have never seen him frustrated or angry, no matter how anyone else is behaving.
7. Todd is blessed with intelligence and the wisdom to use it properly. I guess that is easy to see since he earned his PhD in Bio Engineering from MIT and has a great job with McKinsey consulting.
8. Todd is a very hard worker, whether it is going to school, applying himself to his career, or doing the dishes at my house. It shows in his achievements.
9. Todd loves to engage me in interesting conversations about political and controversial topics (much to Ashley's consternation.) I am an easy target. Yet when we disagree, we both learn something and it never feels adversarial. Todd never lords his knowledge over me or puts me down. He is humble enough to also see the other side and admit it.
10. Todd is a great competitor, whether it is a board game, a surfing competition, or some othe sport, Todd puts a lot into it, is fun to play against, and often is the winner. However, win or lose he is always on the same happy, even plane. He is a good winner and a better loser. Fun to play with him.