Saturday, April 18, 2009

Where Do You Stand?

Bailey and I joined the Tax Day Tea Party in Mission Viejo. We made the sign (Bailey did the creative part) and stood with others who feel as we do.

Sometimes you have to make your voice heard. Bailey had a play practice so we only stayed a short time. But we saw what really went on.

There were lots of really good people who have never been at a rally before. The signs were very diverse as were the people and their political affiliations.

The media downplayed the event, but it was widespread and represents many sincere citizens who want to be heard. Bailey and I had a good time while we were there. Between this and the campaign for Prop 8 I am becoming a dangerous right wing activist.

1 comment:

shel7by said...

i went to ours, too! There were 10,000 people there. It was amazing. I loved it. I'm taking my kids to the July 4th one.